Search in SympGAN

Input examples:

Symptom CUI: e.g. C0000727
Symptom name: e.g. Abdomen Acute
Symptom alias: e.g. ABDOMEN ACUTE    ABDOMINAL SYNDROME ACUTE     Abdomen - acute

    Input examples:

    Symptom and disease CUIs: e.g. C0000727; C0024121
    Symptom and disease names: e.g. Abdomen Acute; Lung Tumor

    Input examples:

    Disease CUI: e.g. C0008626
    Disease name: e.g. Congenital chromosomal disease

    Input examples:

    Gene symbol: e.g. VCP
    Gene name: e.g. Valosin Containing Protein

    Input examples:

    Drug id: e.g. DB00014
    Drug name: e.g. Goserelin