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Data File Description
Symptom terminologies symptoms.tsv The basic information of all symptom terminologies in SympGAN.
Disease terminologies diseases.tsv The basic information of all disease terminologies in SympGAN
Drug terminologies drugs.tsv The basic information of all drug terminologies in SympGAN
Gene terminologies genes.tsv The basic information of all gene terminologies in SympGAN
Curated symptom-gene associations curated_symptom_gene_associations.tsv Symptom-gene associations that are extracted from phenotype-genotype associations
literature-derived symptom-gene associations literature_symptom_gene_associations.tsv Symptom-gene associations derived from the literature databases (i.e., PubMed and SemMed)
Inferred symptom-gene associations inferred_symptom_gene_associations.tsv Symptom-gene associations predicted by prediction algorithm (i.e., LSGER).
All the symptom-gene associations all_symptom_gene_associations.tsv All the symptom-gene associations that integrated curated, literature-derived and inferred associations
Symptom-disease associations symptom_disease_associations.tsv Integrative symptom-disease associations from multiplex databases (i.e., DO, HPO, MalaCards, HSDN, Orphanet, UMLS)
Symptom-drug associations symptom_drug_associations.tsv Integrative symptom-drug associations from Sider database.
Drug-target associations drug_target_associations.tsv Integrative drug-target associations from Drugbank database.
All knowledge graph triples SympGAN_KG.txt All knowledge graph triples in SympGAN.
Readme file readme.txt The details of each column of all the data files